Nigel Lindsey-King

Subject Matter Specialist
FAAC Incorporated

Nigel Lindsey-King

Nigel Lindsey-King is a transit training and development professional working as a Subject Matter Specialist with FAAC Incorporated. He is a former rail and bus training project manager and Superintendent from the Toronto Transit Commission. At the TTC he was responsible for curriculum development for both rail and bus training. He has over 30 years’ experience in rail operations including: light rail vehicles (LRV), subway & intermediate capacity transit system (ICTS) trains, fixed & moving block systems, wayside controls, automatic train operation (ATO) & cab signaling operations. Nigel developed specifications, purchased & integrated high-tech training solutions, including simulators, computer-based training modules (CBTs) and onboard driver training systems. He also has over 31 years of experience developing, delivering, managing & administering transit-related training programs. Nigel is the author of publications on the use of simulators in training.

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