Lionel Gouache

RATP Real Estate
Head of the Works and Energy Transition Agency

Lionel Gouache is currently head of the Works and Energy Transition Agency at RATP Real Estate (RRE) After joining RATP in 1997, Lionel Gouache worked as a project manager at the company between 2005 and 2010, then as Head of Operations at RRE to pursue the implementation of strategic RATP projects (the Bourdon central metro operating control room, the multimodal operation control room and bus network operating control center buildings, the Lagny bus depot, etc.). Over the past 8 years, Mr. Gouache oversaw the urban and development operation to rehabilitate the Ateliers de Vaugirard (metro rolling stock) up until April 2021. He was then appointed head of the Works and Energy Transition Agency at RATP Real Estate.

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