Arno Kerkhof

Head of Bus Transport Unit
The International Association of Public Transport

Arno Kerkhof was born in 1972 in The Netherlands. In 1996, he graduated as a Civil Engineer at the Engineering University of Delft after having obtained in 1995 a Certificate in Transport and Planning at the French Ecole Nationale des Ponts and Chaussées in Paris (ENPC). Arno joined UITP in 2003 where he carried out the Bus of the Future project. He is currently Head of Bus Transport Unit and is directly in charge of all content and knowledge-related bus activities within the Association, coordinating the Bus Unit team at Knowledge & Innovation, the members’ work in the Bus, Trolleybus and Waterborne Committees, their technical and operational Working Groups and the interfaces with UITP Industry Committee and acts as senior trainer on a worldwide basis in the development of the UITP training business. Arno Kerkhof develops cross sectoral activities (Bus Tender Structure platform, SORT fuel consumption referential, Standard Bus Activity Model, Design of buses) and is doing research on Bus Systems. He is a confirmed public transport professional with a long practical and field experience in the services as described above (Full CV and experience of Arno Kerkhof is available on LinkedIn).

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